Zocteam Meeting Minutes - April 19, 2019

Table of Contents

April 19, 2019
2200-0050+1 UTC
Discord voice conference

Meeting called by: deadthings
Facilitator: deadthings
Timekeeper: deadthings
Note taker: deadthings
Type of meeting: Planning & Coordination
Attendees: OwenRay, deadthings, cmelx, Evydder
Absent: MadStu


Agenda Item: Onboarding new executive member(s)

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • lethax has been demoted down the Chain of Trust due to a prolonged period of inactivity
  • MadStu will retain his position despite similar inactivity, owing to our desire to welcome him back at some point
  • A female perspective on the zocteam executive could help bring fresh insights

Action Items:

  • Invite COIN (german) to join the executive; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: April

Agenda Item: Website status update and timelines

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • It’s actually almost done
  • Scheduling and real-world challenges have gotten in the way
  • OwenRay now able to devote approx. 4 hours a week to it
  • Will launch website without knowledgebase and add it later

Action Items:

  • Begin work again on website; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: April
  • Provide feedback on current draft website; Responsibility: Rest of zocteam; Deadline: April
  • Finalize and launch website; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: May

Agenda Item: Whitepaper status update

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Dash 13 merge is a greater priority
  • Last section to be written is the “How we will do it” which will be informed by Dash 13
  • Need to have Dash 13 merge in place for proof-of-concept on governance first
  • Once proof of concept is successful, then we can write up the methodological section
  • Release of whitepaper will roughly coincide with release of governance

Action Items:

  • Write final outstanding whitepaper section; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: TBD

Agenda Item: Dash 13 merge next steps & satZOC name

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • We should hold community debates around some of the BIPs and DIPs to decide which features to incorporate from Dash Evolution
  • The coin unit currently called “satoshis” for Bitcoin or “duffs” for Dash will be called “zuffs” in the next 01coin release as an homage to Dash
  • Since implementing governance is this project’s no. 1 priority, and since that depends on completed the code merge with Dash Evolution, this becomes are top priority once the website has been launched
  • Again, Owen expects to budget four hours per week to work on this in the near-term, maybe more during the summer months

Action Items:

  • Begin work on code merge; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: May
  • Hold community debates to discuss desired features; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: May-June

Agenda Item: IPv6 next steps

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Although we have completed some work to implement IPv6, our testing has yielded limited success so far
  • Since it will all have to be redone anyway after the code merge is complete, this item has been postponed until after the merge release
  • This will likely be implemented in the same release as governance later this year

Action Items:

  • Review new possibilities for IPv6 once code is merged; Responsibility: OwenRay, cmelx, Evydder; Deadline: TBD

Agenda Item: Mini-binary next steps

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Already implemented into main branch
  • Can be compiled using a switch
  • Gitian setup for it is needed so that everyone is able to compile the same binaries from source
  • Advertise it as “light-masternode only” release with no wallet functions

Action Items:

  • Review switches required for compiling; Responsibility: cmelx; Deadline: April
  • Setup Gitian and Jenkins/Travis servers; Responsibility: Evydder; Deadline: May
  • Release binaries; Responsibility: Evydder, OwenRay; Deadline: May

Agenda Item: Discord bot improvements

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Add a tipping system so one user can tip another
  • Possible opportunity to collaborate with community members

Action Items:

  • Evydder to investigate options; Responsibility: Evydder; Deadline: April

Agenda Item: Market enhancement feature for Crex24

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Need to find a compatible NodeJS library
  • Review options based on the previous feature designed for Graviex

Action Items:

  • Provide up-to-date MEF for review to Evydder; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: April
  • Locate compatible NodeJS library; Responsibility: Evydder; Deadline: April
  • Create market enhancement feature for Crex24; Responsibility: Evydder, deadthings; Deadline: May

Agenda Item: Possibilities for integration of a particular use-case

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Still think it’s too early to say anything about it
  • If we start talking about it now, it might hijack the community
  • Should be part of a community proposal after the governance system is in place
  • Given these considerations, addition discussion and conclusions on this agenda item have been redacted from these minutes

Action Items:

  • Don’t need to talk about this again until after governance; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: TBD

Agenda Item: Review Trello cards

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Change to p2p port is no longer necessary, desired or planned; card removed
  • Already easier to do multisig in new Dash wallet, that will make the need for a python script obsolete
  • Instead look to implement a GUI solution instead of a python script – but leave the card there to remind us to look at it after the merge
  • Setup a Jenkins (or maybe Travis) server for a broadly-accessible CI that integrates well with GitHub for when we start doing rolling releases (post-governance); very low priority
  • Web wallet; priority level will depend on demand expressed by community – could be used to interface with planned new wallet functions for Discord bot
  • Setup a mirrored repo on Gitlab and/or Gitbucket in lieu of Launchpad PPA; card removed
  • Need to review seednodes, as a few are now offline – we can change them at any time since they are served by DNS; priority high as this should be done prior to next release
  • Leave Request InstantSend enabled by default in Receive tab; card removed
  • Implement vanity address generation into Discord bot wallet functionality
  • Will investigate level of effort required to implement light-theme wallet before determining which wallet release it will be included with – probably governance
  • Integrate social media icons into next release – elevated priority
  • Will add a direct link to the paper wallet generator in future GitHub releases
  • Add mining pool selection portal as a website revision; not a launch priority
  • Look into free mail forwarding services for @01coin.io addresses

Action Items:

  • Cards added, deleted and re-prioritized; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: Done

Agenda Item: 01VPS.net updates and other things

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Hit by bus scenarios – does everyone have access to everything in case one of us “gets hit by a bus”?
  • Use OVH object storage to create failovers for 01VPS recipe data

Action Items:

  • Sporks keys need to be shared on keybase; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: April
  • Setup business entity under control of project for 01VPS; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: TBD
  • Setup new multisig wallet for 01VPS revenues; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: April

Other Information

Observers: None
Special notes: In conclusion, the sequence of overarching project priorities is as follows:

  1. Website launch
  2. Dash Evolution merge
  3. Governance
  4. Whitepaper

Understanding these overarching priorities and the order in which they should occur will help determine when other complementary tasks will also occur.

Last updated on 16th Jan 2021